To Keep the Water Flowing is an ongoing project in collaboration with Emeritus Professor Greg Bankoff. The project involves filming a short documentary film and creating a photographic publication focussed on water level management across the UK. The outputs are created to communicate academic research to a general audience through film and photography.
The below portraits are work-in-progress examples of images of those stakeholders, workers and employees engaged in water level management in Somerset, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and Cumbria.

To Keep the Water Flowing is an ongoing project in collaboration with Emeritus Professor Greg Bankoff. The project involves filming a short documentary film and creating a photographic publication focussed on water level management across the UK.
The below portraits are work-in-progress examples of images of those stakeholders, workers and employees engaged in water level management in Somerset, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and Cumbria
'To Keep the Water Flowing: What IDBs (Internal Drainage Boards) do (2024) [Academic film edit]
Filmmaker & Editor: Alexander Parkyn-Smith
Producer: Greg Bankoff
Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Grant Ref: AH/P013627/1
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA)
Music & Sounds by Henry Parkyn-Smith